
Saturday, February 5, 2011

Modern Moscow

"How often would I fall to musing
of Moscow in the mournful days
of absence on my wandering ways!
Moscow... how many strains are fusing
in that one sound, for Russian hearts!
what store of riches it imparts!.."

- A.S. Pushkin (tr.Ch.Johnston)

I have found an incredible collection of photos of Moscow, which was assembled by my friend Natasha, some were taken by her, some were taken by photographers Ilya Varlamov and Roman Vershinin. I could not go past them, they are amazing, I had to re-publish them here.....

It is fascinating to see how the place where you grew up and you used to know really well, changes without you. When you have not been there for awhile, have not seen it, and then all of a sudden, it's so different, so strange, but still it feels the same way, when you're looking at it.

     "Here stands, with shady park surrounded,
     Petrovsky Castle; and the fame
     in which so lately it abounded
     rings proudly in that sombre name.
     Napoleon here, intoxicated
     with recent fortune, vainly waited
     till Moscow, meekly on its knees,
     gave up the ancient Kremlin-keys:
     but no, my Moscow never stumbled
     nor crawled in suppliant attire.
     No feast, no welcome-gifts -- with fire
     the impatient conqueror was humbled!
     From here, deep-sunk in pensive woe,
     he gazed out on the threatening glow..."

     A.S. Pushkin (tr.Ch.Johnston)

Photo by Roman Vershinin

Photo by Ilya Varlamov
Photo by Roman Vershinin
Photo by Roman Vershinin

"Moscow, loved daughter of Russia,
          where can we find your equal?"
           - Dmitriev


  1. Боже, дорогая моя Китти...
    Какие потрясающие фотки.. какие потрясающие виды Москвы.. какой шикарный город.
    Я не могу выразить всей своей любви к этому величественному городу, к столице нашей Родины.
    Москва, я люблю тебя!
    Катюш, хорошо, что фотки пригодились, не зря я фоткаю мск во всех ракурсах!

  2. Спасибо тебе большое, дорогая моя подружка, за такие чудесные фотки! Без тебя я бы и не знала, как меняется мой родной и любимый город! Скучаю по Москве.


I ♥ all your comments! So please, feel welcome to say what you think!