
Sunday, December 19, 2010

Updates from our garden. December

The weather in South East Queensland this December is being all over the place, but mostly cool and rainy. And only recently the temperature got up to 30C degrees, which is quite normal for summer time in QLD. To be honest, I was hoping that we will end up having cool rainy-cloudy days through all summer season, but obviously it's not going to happen.
Well, at least this weather is being good for the garden, especially the rain!

With all the Christmas holidays' preparations we didn't get to spend a lot of time in the garden, plus all this rain kept us away from being outdoors, but that's the good thing about living in Queensland - you don't need to do much in the garden during spring and summer, just planting and weeding, the plants will grow on its own in this climate!

Here is a few photos of what is currently growing and flowering in our garden.

Herb garden is growing well in the rain

New addition to our patio


Little baby tomatos growing


Magnolia flower

Here is our cucumber patch

And another new addition - baby Jakaranda trees for outside the garden

Strawberries are little but very sweet

Curry bush
One of my favourite flowers

Agapanthus's are in season

And another little tomato bush


  1. From all of the beautiful pictures I would say that your garden is definitely thriving! Gorgeous, and thanks for sharing. :)


  2. Kitty! какая красивая оранжерея у тебя, надеюсь до моего приезда что то сохранится и собачки не съедят цветочки ;))

  3. Thanks for stopping by my blog. It looks like we both enjoy gardening, craft, reading and cooking. Your flowers are lovely. You're lucky to be such a good photographer, that is something I need to practice. Meanwhile, I nag my son to photograph for me :)
    I like your J M Barrie quote.


I ♥ all your comments! So please, feel welcome to say what you think!