
Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Holidays are only beginning

This Christmas we spent with our extended family near the Gold Coast. We did have a lot planned for this time but instead of spending holidays at the beach as we planned, we ended up coming back home early due to the heavy rain.

The weather is being extremely wet all over Queensland, it has been officially named wettest Summer in history. The trees are covered by moss and mold, mushrooms are growing on the sides of the roads, rivers are over flowing and fields are flooded..... But enough about rain for now.

No matter what, the weather could not ruin the holiday's spirit and Christmas mood. We had a wonderful time with the family. New Year celebrations are still ahead of us, and then it will be Orthodox Christmas!!!

There are a lot of holidays coming up in January. After the Orthodox Christmas there will be another 2 big feasts: St. Basil Day and The Day of Baptism of Our Lord Jesus Christ (Orthodox 19th of January).
My little daughter is going to have a Birthday in between all the fun and then there is the day of the Old New Year celebration. Orthodox New Year is an informal traditional Slavic Orthodox holiday, celebrated as the start of the New Year by the Julian Calendar. In the 20th and 21st centuries, the Old New Year falls on January 13/14 (information from Wikipedia).

In the end of January we're going to have Australia Day! This day is the official national day of Australia. Celebrated annually on 26 January, the day commemorates the arrival of the First Fleet at Sydney Cove in 1788, the hoisting of the British Flag there, and the proclamation of British sovereignty over the eastern seaboard of New Holland (information from Wikipedia).
Any way, all together January promises a fun start to the Year, we just have to get ready.

So Merry Christmas everybody and Happy New Year!!!


  1. AND a Very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you as well. Lovely pictures!!!


    PS- I am having an awesome giveaway (my first), you should check it out!!!

  2. Happy New Year. Love your pictures.
    It sounds like you are going to be busy.


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